The "wardrobe" malfunction stirred so much controversy that it earned Janet a place in the Guinness book of world records as "The Most Searched in Internet History" -- surpassing even searches for the September 11th attacks.
Although I was pleasantly surprised - I saw it as a humorous, awful disaster. Within hours later the rumors started – was this a “PLANNED” mistake…? hmm -- well let’s dig a little deeper. If you look at the close-up below you see that it is clear how her nipple ornament is affixed. Also -- where is the bra...? If you noticed in the picture above - she has on a red bra -- how did the right side of her bra magically break away... yelp - not torn - not ripp'd - not a sign of shredded fabric - just snached clean off... (things that make you go hmmmm)

The exposure of Jackson's nipple shield led to much media controversy and headlines. Media watchdog group Parents Television Council issued a statement that same day condemning the halftime show, announcing that their members would file indecency complaints with the FCC and the council supported the FCC's decision to investigate the halftime show immediately.In addition, the FCC received nearly 540,000 complaints from Americans, with the PTC claiming responsibility for around 65,000 of them.
If that isn't enough a woman filed a federal lawsuit seeking billions of dollars for herself and her family who watched the halftime show for their "outrage, anger, embarrassment and serious injury".
Have "WE" as Americans gotten that shallow and desperate? I have done a lot of things in my life but I can honestly say that I have never been angry, embarrassed, or seriously injured by a BOOB...! This "Wardrobe Mishap" happened in 2004, but unbeknown to most of us -- the case was pending since 2004 and has just recently been thrown out of court.
Let's get real here. Yeah, Janet was trying to grab the spotlight to hype her new Damita Jo album -- So what?! The world comes screeching to a halt because of a one-second peek-a-boob? But a federal investigation? Let’s talk about a misuse of taxpayer’s money. Nobody remembers how good the game was or how many yards Tom Brady rushed for to barely beat the Carolina Panther 32-29."

Many have forgotten that there was a streaker running around the field nearly-naked except for some writing on his body which read "SUPER BOWEL" and an advertisement for online betting website - whom later complained, "If she hadn't done that I would have been front page material
Only in America was there such an uproar and Public negative reaction. In Canada, and abroad where the show was broadcast the incident passed largely without controversy. As we all know every action demands a reaction. The aftermath and effects of this stunt has caused more censorship and regulation of broadcasting. So I just want to say Stank You Miss Jackson and the next time you are invited to perform at a half time show – we demand that you dress appropriately --

Apparently -- not EVERYONE was outraged by this event. As a matter of fact it has sparked a slew of Copycat Exposers…

-- I take back what I said earlier -- im mad at that breast...!
Not to be outdone by the likes of Hilary or Condoleezza Rice, Janet and Justine Timberlake took their show on the road. After completing their final SuperBowl Tour appearance in Paris they released this statement, "If you want something done right the first time - do it yourself!"

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Questions or concerns, please feel free to contact my website... http://www.xrsyz.com/

Disclaimer: The information on this site is intended for educational purposes only. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnosis, cure, or prevent disease. All contents of this blog are carefully researched and studied; however, individual results may vary. If you have or suspect you might have a health problem, are pregnant or nursing; it is always advisable to consult with your own health care professional before starting any diet, exercise, or supplementation program. (including all natural herbal products)
Questions or concerns, please feel free to contact my website... http://www.xrsyz.com/
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