Thursday, January 14, 2010

 Tip of da DAY!

When telling the truth to a friend or love one - keep in mind that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.

Teddy Pendergrass: Dead at 59

One of my abosolute favorite voices -- this is very sad news...!

Disclaimer: The information on this site is intended for educational purposes only. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnosis, cure, or prevent disease. All contents of this blog are carefully researched and studied; however, individual results may vary. If you have or suspect you might have a health problem, are pregnant or nursing; it is always advisable to consult with your own health care professional before starting any diet, exercise, or supplementation program. (including all natural herbal products)

Questions or concerns, please feel free to contact my website...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Is Harry Reid a Racist?

I am an educated and intelligent "Dark Skin 'd Black Man" who is proud of whom I am and very comfortable in my skin. We as Black People have our own way of communicating which can only be interpreted by us. Our own secret language so to speak. We communicate through gestures, body language, looks, and what many call slang. To me that makes us very diverse and intelligent. It is amazing that we can sit in a room full of people and communicate without having to say a word. It is a vibe - and cannot be taught. However, we MUST be intelligent enough to know when to switch it up. Regardless of your race or background - you cannot go into an interview representing your set (wearing colors) and speaking the language of "da hood!"

I remember how excited I was and how it felt to have graduated, to have a degree, and to have a high expectation - I was on Cloud 9. I also remember how it felt to be educated, with a degree and wearing an expensive suit but could not land a job. I felt like an educated dummy! It was a "white" friend who said, "Man it is your teeth!" My immediate thought was hell no - that can't be it! I use to have eight permanent gold teeth. Determined to be successful I took my friends advice - went to the dentist and had all but two removed and replaced with crowns. Guess what...?!? Yelp, I had jobs chasing me. My friend wasn't being racist by telling me the truth. He was being a friend by telling me that although "intelligent" I was "too black" for mainstream America. It is my opinion that [I -- we] don't know Harry Reid personally enough to say he is racist. He very well may be racist deep down in the secret department of his heart. I do not judge him. I was not offended by his comment although it can be taken offensively. I looked past how he phrased his comment and understood as, "America has a color problem and always will."

During the 2008 presidential election, Hillary used Obama's race against him in a multitude of contexts, like trying to associate him with "bad black people" like Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Minister Louis Farrakhan. We also remember when Hillary's husband Bill went to South Carolina and compared Obama's chances of winning to Jesse Jackson's 1984 Presidential campaign- effectively arguing that America is not ready for a black president. What this effectively says is that being "too black" is not acceptable in American politics.

America still sticks with "acceptable forms of blackness." I think people sometimes forget what diversity actually means. For every Harvard Professor who speaks proper English, there is an intelligent brother from "da hood" who communicates in an entirely different way.

As we near the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we have a unique opportunity to address what it means to act, speak or look "too black." Most of us know that Harry Reid's words have some truth to them, so we can either explore the issue thoroughly or attempt to kill the messenger.

Disclaimer: The information on this site is intended for educational purposes only. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnosis, cure, or prevent disease. All contents of this blog are carefully researched and studied; however, individual results may vary. If you have or suspect you might have a health problem, are pregnant or nursing; it is always advisable to consult with your own health care professional before starting any diet, exercise, or supplementation program. (including all natural herbal products)

Questions or concerns, please feel free to contact my website...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Gotta love kids...

The father in the picture is confused -- he doesn't know whether to protect or haul assz

...but the kid expression is "PRICELESS"! He is looking at the jogger like, "Oh hell nah -- HELLL NAAAH -- WTF are you going through...!?!?"

(click on pic to enlarge)

Disclaimer: The information on this site is intended for educational purposes only. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnosis, cure, or prevent disease. All contents of this blog are carefully researched and studied; however, individual results may vary. If you have or suspect you might have a health problem, are pregnant or nursing; it is always advisable to consult with your own health care professional before starting any diet, exercise, or supplementation program. (including all natural herbal products)

Questions or concerns, please feel free to contact my website...