Friday, January 04, 2008

Determination, Dedication, and Discipline

2008 puts me about 17-18 years into this industry and marks my 7th consecutive year that I have been teaching Kardio© classes in some form or another. I wholeheartedly thank all of you who have made this journey worth while. For some, physical fitness is a one man/woman endeavor. It’s a road some go down alone. And that’s okay. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that. But I will not deny the fact that over the years my support system has grown and so have I.

I’m not an emotional kind of guy. I don’t cry at the movies, I don’t punch walls when things don’t go my way, and I am very slow to anger. Typically, I consider myself pretty even keeled. But it blows my mind when I look around at all the people who have shown their support and the lengths at which they’ve gone to do so. It is a joy and a privilege to have realized my calling on life at a young age and I thank each of you who's allowed me to experiment at Your Expense!” It means a lot to me to have family and friends who will do whatever it takes to ensure that I’m at my best. That’s what I call one hell of a support system and without it I may not be as a successful as I am. So, really, we win together!

I woke up “extra” hungry today. Hungry!!! Not as in six whole eggs and six whites with cheese and ham, three blueberry pancakes, and two bowls of Peanut Butter Captain Crunch. Hungry, as in heavy squats, leg presses, walking lunges (done outside – walking up 18th street), leg extensions, leg curls, seated, standing and lying and stiff leg deadlifts…That's being hungry. I am always hungry. Hungry to strive forward, to better myself, to learn from mistakes, to stay focused, to stick to my game plan… One month ago - as I sat drenched in sweat, breathing heavily, recovering from my most hell raising - kick assz - Kardio© class EVER, I had a revelation. I was wasting my fucking time! I was winded and tired, I had almost puked & passed out in front of my class, but there was still high octane in the tank, and here I am idling in the '78 Cadillac Coupe deVille with the Ferarri engine that I call my body. I thought to myself, “Don't just sit there… Punch it...!” Time is money… And I ain't got enough of each. I probably never will, and the more I accumulate of one, the more I'll have spent of the other. As such, we need to make the most of our moments and squeeze as much productivity as possible out of each gym session we are blessed with. Don't get pimp slapped by the hands of the clock. Take back your time. Take control of your workouts and get that race car in the red…!



Disclaimer: The information on this site is intended for educational purposes only. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnosis, cure, or prevent disease. All contents of this blog are carefully researched and studied; however, individual results may vary. If you have or suspect you might have a health problem, are pregnant or nursing; it is always advisable to consult with your own health care professional before starting any diet, exercise, or supplementation program. (including all natural herbal products)

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